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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Back To School (BTS): Mac Obsessed Tech Cases

Back To School (BTS): Tech Cases

{iPhone Cases: 1234/ new iPad/ iPad 2 Cases: 1, 2, 3, 4/ Laptop Cases: 1, 2, 34}

Hey guys! Long time no posting!!! I have been super busy these past few weeks with family coming in and my internship! I just finished my internship today and will be starting back university in 1 week!!! The time has went by so fast but it is that time of the year AGAIN: BTS (Back To School)! I am one of those weird kids who loved the time before BTS because that mean that I could get cool new school supplies and fresh pencils! I am still one of those kids but now instead of getting new spiral notebooks and pencils I am looking at new cases and styluses! Oh have the times have changed in all of 3 years! 

So, here are some of my favorite cases for the new school year! I have recently become a member of the "Cult of Mac" lol! So I am trying to outfit my gear before heading back to school so that it stays protected and doesn't get lost in the sea of Apple products at my university! 

I am sure you noticed the trend of Composition Notebook styled cases! I am actually already an owner of the Comp. Laptop Case and I absolutely LOVE it! I was always of fan of Composition Notebook's. Before, texting me and my friends in the hall of my middle school used to decorate them, write notes in them, and past them around in the hallways between classes! O, how I miss those days! 

Stay tuned for the rest of the BTS Series coming up!!! Also, what are some of your favorite tech cases? I would love to have more links and suggestions!

Much ♥ 


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